Trust and probate Services

A scale of justice on a wooden table in front of a bookshelf

Advanced Planning Issues

Depending on your personal situation, you may have the need for more advanced estate planning.

Advanced services

Special Needs Planning

Children and grandchildren with special needs require special planning tools to ensure that they remain eligible for various benefits if they are left funds from parents or grandparents.

To determine whether a Special Needs Trust is the right choice for your child, or to update your living trust to plan for a special needs family member, call ArchAngel Estate Planning & Trust Services.

Advanced Services

Business Succession Planning

Whether you own a Sole Proprietorship, an LLC, or a Corporation, it's vital to understand the proper way to pass on the legacy you've created.  At ArchAngel Estate Planning, our experienced attorneys work with business owners to:

~ Pass your business to your loved ones without probate

~ Minimize tax liability when selling or passing businesses

~ Prepare a coordinated plan with your CPA and Financial Advisor